Precision Crane & Hoist Services, Inc is a privately held company in Henderson, NV.
Categorized under Hoists, Cranes, and Monorails, this company was established in 2005 and incorporated in NV and employs a staff of approximately 24.
We offer a wide range of services at competitive pricing. Our services include Overhead Crane & Hoist Services, Mobile Crane & Aerial Device Services, Crane Manufacturer Services, Complete Fleet Services, Fabrication & Machining, Fluid Power/Machine Shop Services, Hydraulic Cylinder Repair, Hydraulic Pump Repair and Electric Motor Repair.
Precision Crane & Hoist Services, Inc.
PO Box 90487
Henderson, NV 89009
United States
Tel: 1(702) 307-3543
Fax: 1(702) 307-4250